Much of our work involves assessing the safety of food, drinking water, consumer products, homes, work-places, and the larger environment. We have performed these assessments for regulatory agencies, cities and towns, labor unions, manufacturers, community groups, homeowners, real-estate developers, and others. Sometimes our analyses have been of products used as intended; other times we have evaluated the effects of over-exposures due to accidental releases or other unusual circumstances, or the effects of discarded materials. Our safety assessments have involved potentially toxic bacteria and molds, chemicals, and electric and magnetic fields (EMF). We have applied our expertise in chemistry, statistics, ecotoxicology, and public health in order to assess the safety of pesticides and their degradation products in surface water, groundwater, soil, and foods. Cambridge Environmental staff has also been involved evaluating effects of contaminants on natural resources, such as fisheries. In order to build strong and experienced teams for specialized work, we have sought out and collaborated with physicians, scientists, and engineers, in academia and elsewhere, who can provide particular expertise.
Cambridge Environmental's Safety services are directed by Laura Green, Ph.D., D.A.B.T. and Sarah Armstrong, M.S., D.A.B.T.